International Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Studies (IJRMS) , ISSN 0973-5658, is a bi-annual peer-reviewed refereed research journal of Bharati Vidypeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, published by The Institution of Media Professionals (IMP), New Delhi. Original manuscripts in the following domains, but not limited to, are welcome:-
Anthropology, Applied Linguistics, Applied Physics, Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Botany, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Sciences, Computing technology, Cultural studies, Design, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Education, Electronics, Energy, Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Ethics, Ethnicity and Racism Studies, Fisheries, Forestry, Gender Studies, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Labour Studies, Languages and Linguistics, Law, Library Studies, Life sciences, Literature, Logic, Marine Sciences, Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Media Studies, Medical Sciences, Music, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Physics, Optics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Publishing and editing, Religious Studies, Social Work , Sociology, Space Sciences, Statistics, Transportation, Visual and Performing Arts, Zoology and all other subject areas.
We follow a double blind peer review system and carry out two rounds of review process. In the first round, all the submitted papers are first reviewed at editorial board level and assessed on the basis of their technical suitability of the paper for the journal, scope of work, plagiarism and other ethical compliances. If selected by the editorial board, the paper shall be subjected to a fair and unbiased double blind peer review by at-least three referees on the basis of their originality, novelty, clarity, completeness, relevance, significance and research contribution. Based on the Review Remarks, the papers may be placed in any one of the categories like Clear Reject, Reconsider After Major Revision, Reconsider After Minor Revision, Accept as it is. If recommended by the Board of Referees (BoR), the papers may undergo multiple cycles of review, before finally being accepted. The corresponding authors of qualifying submissions shall be intimated accordingly. Final acceptance of a paper is based on the review remarks by the referees and decision of the Editorial Board. The review process may take 02 to 12 months depending upon the cycles of review required, before the paper is finally accepted. Publication of papers in IJRMS is FREE OF COST, upto six pages. We do not charge any publication fee from the authors for the papers to be published in IJRMS, upto six pages, if the author accepts the publication of the paper under No Show Policy (Subscription Mode) of the Journal, in which the author need not to pay any publication fee.
However, Extra Page Charges (EPC) shall be applicable @ Rs. 2000/- per page (B&W) for Indian authors, and USD 100/- per page (B&W) for International authors, to be paid by the authors, if it exceeds six pages. Details shall be informed to the author(s) after the paper is accepted and the same is typeset.